Interpreting as a Service: An Insider's Guide to Pricing, Features & Benefits (2024)

In a world where language barriers can make or break business deals, Interpreting as a Service (IaaS) is revolutionizing the way companies communicate across borders.

IaaS is the key to unlocking seamless, real-time translation in hundreds of languages, without the hefty price tag of hiring full-time interpreters.

With a network of over 10,000 certified professionals, IaaS is your ticket to:

In this insider’s guide, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of IaaS pricing models, must-have features and the benefits that are making it the go-to solution for businesses in 2024 and beyond.

What is Interpreting as a Service?

Interpreting as a Service (IaaS) transforms communication by providing immediate access to professional interpreters via cloud-based technology. It eliminates language barriers for organizations engaging with non-English speakers, such as clients, patients or customers. IaaS includes various interpreting methods like video remote, phone-based and on-site.

How Interpreting as a Service works

Interpreting as a Service platforms connect users with qualified interpreters through a secure, cloud-based system. When a user needs language assistance, they can request an interpreter through the IaaS platform, typically via a mobile app, website or dedicated device. The platform then matches the user with an available interpreter who speaks the required language and has the necessary subject matter expertise.

The interpreter joins the conversation remotely, either through video or audio, depending on the type of service requested. They listen to the non-English speaker, translate their words into English for the user, and then convey the user’s response back in the original language. This process allows for real-time, two-way communication between parties who do not share a common language.

Benefits of Interpreting as a Service

Types of Interpreting as a Service

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

Video Remote Interpreting allows users to connect with interpreters via video conferencing technology. VRI is ideal for situations where visual cues and body language are important, such as medical consultations or legal proceedings. Users can access VRI through a computer, tablet, or smartphone equipped with a camera and internet connection.

VRI provides a more personal and engaging experience compared to audio-only interpreting, as participants can see each other’s facial expressions and gestures. This visual aspect can help build trust and rapport between parties, leading to better communication outcomes.

Over-the-Phone Interpreting (OPI)

Over-the-Phone Interpreting connects users with interpreters via a telephone call. OPI is a convenient option for situations where video is not necessary or available, such as customer service interactions or brief information exchanges. Users can access OPI by dialing a dedicated phone number and requesting the desired language.

OPI is often the most cost-effective form of IaaS, as it requires no special equipment beyond a telephone. It also offers the quickest connection times, with interpreters available on-demand 24/7.

On-Site Interpreting (OSI)

On-Site Interpreting involves an interpreter physically present at the location where language services are needed, such as a conference, court hearing, or business meeting. While OSI is not a remote service like VRI or OPI, many IaaS providers offer on-site interpreting as part of their suite of language services.

OSI is best suited for lengthy, complex, or high-stakes interactions where the physical presence of an interpreter can provide added value. On-site interpreters can more easily navigate group dynamics, interpret simultaneous conversations, and pick up on subtle nonverbal cues that may be missed in remote settings.

Industries that benefit from Interpreting as a Service

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Benefits of Interpreting as a Service

Interpreting as a Service offers several key benefits that make it an attractive solution for businesses and organizations looking to improve language access and communication with limited English proficient (LEP) individuals.

Increased language access

One of the primary advantages of Interpreting as a Service is its ability to provide on-demand access to interpreters in hundreds of languages. This eliminates language barriers and ensures that non-English speakers have equal access to services, regardless of their native language. By connecting users with qualified interpreters within seconds, Interpreting as a Service enables effective communication and improves overall language access.

Cost-effective solution

Interpreting as a Service also offers a cost-effective alternative to hiring full-time interpreters or coordinating schedules for in-person interpreting. With pay-as-you-go pricing, businesses can enjoy greater budget flexibility and only pay for the interpreting services they actually use. Additionally, remote interpreting eliminates travel costs associated with on-site interpreting, further reducing expenses.

Improved efficiency

By connecting users to interpreters within seconds, Interpreting as a Service significantly reduces wait times and improves overall efficiency. Remote interpreting also eliminates the need for in-person meetings, saving time and resources. Many Interpreting as a Service platforms integrate seamlessly with existing systems and workflows, making it easy to incorporate interpreting services into daily operations.

To better understand the differences between various Interpreting as a Service providers, we’ll be evaluating them based on the following criteria:

Throughout the rest of this article, we’ll look at each of these factors, comparing top Interpreting as a Service providers head-to-head. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of which platform best meets your organization’s specific needs and budget.

Features of Interpreting Technology

Multi-platform compatibility

One of the crucial aspects of interpreting technology is its ability to function across various devices and platforms. Users can access interpreters through web browsers, mobile apps, or even traditional telephones, ensuring that language support is always within reach. This compatibility extends to smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers, allowing users to connect with interpreters from virtually any location.

By supporting a wide range of devices, interpreting technology eliminates the need for specialized equipment or software, making it more accessible and cost-effective for businesses and organizations. This flexibility is particularly valuable for remote teams or those with employees working from various locations, as it ensures that everyone can access interpreting services when needed.

High-quality audio and video

To facilitate effective communication between parties speaking different languages, interpreting technology must deliver high-quality audio and video. HD video and clear audio are essential for accurately conveying facial expressions, body language, and tone, which are critical components of successful interpretation.

Interpreting platforms often incorporate noise-cancelling technology to minimize background disruptions, ensuring that the interpreter and the parties involved can focus on the conversation at hand. This feature is especially important in settings with multiple participants or when users are connecting from noisy environments.

Interpreting technology is designed to maintain stable connections even in low-bandwidth environments, preventing dropped calls or garbled audio that could lead to misunderstandings or miscommunications.

Built-in security

When dealing with sensitive information, such as in healthcare or legal settings, security and compliance are paramount. Interpreting technology addresses these concerns by encrypting all interpreting sessions, protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the parties involved.

In addition to encryption, interpreting technology often provides detailed call records and usage reports, which can be invaluable for auditing purposes or tracking interpreter performance.

AI-powered language detection and routing

Advanced interpreting platforms use artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically detect the languages being spoken and route the call to an interpreter with the appropriate language skills. This feature reduces the time and effort required to manually identify languages and find a suitable interpreter.

AI-powered language detection can be particularly useful in situations where the languages being spoken are not immediately apparent or when dealing with less common languages or dialects. By quickly and accurately identifying the languages, the technology ensures that users are connected with the right interpreter, minimizing delays and improving the overall user experience.

Real-time transcription and translation

Some interpreting platforms offer real-time transcription and translation features, which can be incredibly valuable for creating a written record of the conversation or for sharing with team members who were unable to attend the live session. These features use advanced speech recognition and machine translation technologies to convert spoken words into text in real-time, often in multiple languages.

Real-time transcription and translation can also be useful for participants who may have difficulty understanding the spoken language, as they can follow along with the written text. This feature can be particularly beneficial for individuals with hearing impairments or those who are more comfortable reading than listening.

Customizable settings and integrations

Interpreting technology often offers customizable settings and integrations with existing systems, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs. For example, users may be able to adjust video and audio settings, set up custom greetings or hold messages, or configure the platform to work with their preferred scheduling or customer relationship management (CRM) software.

These customization options and integrations make interpreting technology more adaptable and user-friendly, enabling organizations to incorporate interpreting services into their existing workflows and processes. By reducing friction and improving efficiency, customizable settings and integrations can help organizations maximize the benefits of interpreting technology.

Integration Examples

How does Interpreting as a Service work?

Interpreting as a Service simplifies access to real-time language assistance through IaaS platforms. These services connect users with interpreters via video, phone or in-person sessions. Each session is securely recorded and archived, providing a reliable resource for future reference. Whether overcoming language barriers in business meetings or healthcare consultations, Interpreting as a Service offers a solution for effective communication across diverse settings.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

User requests an interpreter through the IaaS platform

  1. The user logs into the IaaS platform and selects the language they need interpretation for.
  2. They specify the type of interpreting service required (video, phone, or on-site).
  3. The user provides details about the session, such as the date, time, and duration.
  4. They submit the request and wait for confirmation from the IaaS provider.

Requesting an interpreter: Best practices

The system matches the request with an available interpreter in the desired language

  1. The IaaS platform’s algorithm searches its database for available interpreters who meet the user’s requirements.
  2. It considers factors such as the interpreter’s language proficiency, experience, and specialization.
  3. The system selects the most suitable interpreter and sends them a notification about the request.
  4. The interpreter accepts the assignment, and the user is informed that a match has been found.

How IaaS platforms ensure quality interpreters

The interpreter connects to the user via video, phone, or on-site

  1. For video and phone interpreting, the interpreter joins the session through the IaaS platform’s secure virtual environment.
  2. The user receives a notification that the interpreter has joined and can start the session.
  3. In the case of on-site interpreting, the interpreter arrives at the designated location at the scheduled time.
  4. The user and interpreter introduce themselves and establish any necessary ground rules for the session.

Smooth interpreting session

The interpreter facilitates real-time communication between parties

  1. The interpreter listens to the source language speaker and conveys the message in the target language.
  2. They use specialized techniques, such as consecutive or simultaneous interpreting, depending on the situation.
  3. The interpreter ensures that all parties understand each other clearly and accurately.
  4. They may ask for clarification or repetition if needed to maintain the integrity of the interpretation.

The role of the interpreter

The session is securely recorded and stored for future reference

  1. The IaaS platform automatically records the interpreting session, with the user’s consent.
  2. The recording is encrypted and stored on secure servers in compliance with data protection regulations.
  3. Users can access the recording through their account on the IaaS platform for future reference or quality assurance purposes.
  4. The recording can be shared with authorized parties, such as team members or legal representatives, as needed.

Benefits of session recording

Choosing the Best Interpreting as a Service Provider

When deciding on an Interpreting as a Service (IaaS) provider, you should consider several factors. Language coverage, pricing, technology, security and support are paramount. Seek certified interpreters, competitive pricing and intuitive technology for smooth user experience. Make sure the provider adheres to security protocols and compliance standards. Reliable customer support, responsive and knowledgeable, should also be a requirement. Choosing the best IaaS provider requires an evaluation of these elements to guarantee effective communication solutions without compromising on quality or reliability.

When selecting an IaaS provider, consider the following factors:

Choosing the right Interpreting as a Service (IaaS) provider is crucial for organizations looking to bridge language gaps and provide exceptional service to their diverse client base. There are several key factors to consider when evaluating potential providers:

Selecting an IaaS provider can significantly impact the quality of language services an organization can offer. You should look at the provider's capabilities, pricing and values to make sure they align with your organization's needs and goals.

Language coverage and interpreter qualifications

One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing an IaaS provider is their language coverage and the qualifications of their interpreters. A provider with a wide range of languages and a large network of certified interpreters ensures that you can effectively serve clients with diverse linguistic backgrounds. For instance, All Languages notes that ISPs select interpreters through a rigorous process that considers linguistic expertise, educational background, professional certifications, experience in specific practice areas, performance history, certification status, as well as interpretation mode and anticipated duration.

Pricing models and cost-effectiveness

Another factor to consider is the pricing model and cost-effectiveness of the IaaS provider. Look for providers that offer transparent pricing and flexible plans that align with your organization’s budget and requirements.

It’s important to find a provider that offers competitive rates without compromising on quality or features.

Features and ease of use

The features and ease of use offered by an IaaS provider can greatly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your interpreting services. Look for providers that offer user-friendly platforms, reliable connectivity and features such as on-demand interpreting and real-time analytics. For instance, Hello Globo emphasizes the importance of using telephone interpreting services that allow for clear communication and provide real-time feedback.

Security and compliance measures

Security and compliance are critical when dealing with sensitive information and confidential communications. Ensure that the IaaS provider you choose has robust security measures in place and complies with relevant industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR.

Customer support and training resources

Finally, consider the level of customer support and training resources offered by the IaaS provider. Look for providers that offer dedicated support teams, comprehensive documentation and training programs to help your organization effectively implement and use their interpreting services.

Choose a provider that offers responsive support and invests in helping your team maximize the value of their services.

Bridging Language Gaps with Interpreting as a Service

Interpreting as a Service enables organizations to communicate effectively with non-English speakers, providing on-demand access to professional interpreters through remote interpreting technology. With various pricing models and key features like multi-platform compatibility and high-quality audio and video, IaaS offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for overcoming language barriers.

With Interpreting as a Service, your organization can improve language access, enhance customer service and ensure compliance with industry regulations. When choosing IaaS provider consider factors such as language coverage, interpreter qualifications, technology features and security measures.

Our team of experts is ready to help you navigate the world of remote interpreting and find the perfect solution for your organization’s unique needs.

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